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Email: guanceyq@
电话:010-57223836  57223837  57223838  57223839
technical parameter
1. 较大试验力(KN):0.5/1.0/2.0/5.0/10.0/20.0/50.0/100.0/200.0/500.0/1000.0
1 maximum force test (KN): 0.5/1.0/2.0/5.0/10.0/20.0/50.0/100.0/200.0/500.0/1000.0
2. 准确度等级: 0.5级(进口配置),1.0(国产配置)
2 accuracy level: 0.5 (import configuration), 1 (domestic configuration)
3. 结构形式:两种结构-单臂结构,门式框架结构,全喷塑处理
3 Structure: two structure - arm structure, portal frame structure, the whole spray treatment
4. 试验力示值允许误差极限:示值的±0.5%以内
4 test showing the value of allowable error limit value is less than 0.5%
5. 负荷测量范围:满量程的0.4%~**FS
5 load measuring range: 0.4% to the full range of **FS
6. 力分辨率:较大试验力的1/300000
6 resolution: maximum force test 1/300000
7. 位移示值极限误差:示值的±0.5%以内
The value of limit error 7: displacement value is less than 0.5%
8. 位移较小分辨率:0.001mm
8 displacement resolution: 0.001mm
9. 横梁速度调节范围:0.005~500mm/min
9 beam speed adjustment range: 0.005 ~ 500mm/min
10. 横梁速度相对误差:设定值的±0.5%以内
10 beam velocity error: within set value + 0.5%
11. 速度负荷容量:50mm/min以下允许较大负荷 500mm/min以下允许1/4较大负荷
11 speed load capacity: 50mm/min allows the maximum load of 500mm/min below the maximum load permitted 1/4
12. 有效拉伸空间:1200mm
12 space of tension: 1200mm
13. 有效试验宽度:540mm(可加宽处理)
13 effective width: 540mm (widening processing)
14. 主机外形尺寸:700×1080×2140mm
14 main dimensions: 700 x 1080 x 2140mm
15. 主机重量:1400kg
15 host weight: 1400KG
16. 供电电源:220V/380V,50Hz
16 power supply: 220V/380V, 50Hz
17. 软件及用户界面:WINDOWS操作环境下的软件和交互式人机对话操作界面
17 software and user interface: WINDOWS operating environment software and interactive man-machine interface dialogue
18. 试验过程及测量、显示、分析、控制等均由微机完成
18 test and measurement, display, analysis and control are completed by the computer
19. 试样破坏后,移动横梁自动停止移动(或自动返回初始位置)
19 sample after the destruction, automatic stop moving beam (or automatically return to the initial position)
20. 具有程控和机械两级限位保护
20 a programmable and mechanical level two limit protection
21. 当负荷**过额定值3~5%时,自动停机
21 when the load exceeds the rated value of 3 ~ 5%, automatic shutdown
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安全带拉力试验机,拉力测试设备 绍兴越城区,上海**材料试验机,压力试验机 贵阳云岩区,金属拉力试验机,材料拉力机 朔州平鲁区,疲劳试验机,薄膜拉力机 嘉兴南湖区,液晶显示拉力机,电子**材料试验机 嘉兴秀洲区,二手拉力试验机,北京拉力机 赤峰,
